Offshore development is a great option to get your project done quickly, cheaply and efficiently. This article is about how to speed up your software development with an offshore team, or six ways offshore development can help you deliver software to market faster. Let’s explore now!

How long does it take to develop a software product? Tech companies revealed that the development process usually takes from 3- 6 months for a software with simple functionality, 4- 6 months for a mid- complexity software and 9 months or more for a highly complex one. The time frame can be affected by a number of factors, such as the scope and budget of the software, and the amount of engineers that work for that project. 

With staff augmentation, companies can shorten time to market for their software products. But when 3 or 4 extra engineers are added to a team, the cost may climb. In such a scenario, the best way is to outsource to an offshore team. So, what is offshore software development and why is it important?

What is Offshore Software Development?

Offshore development is a quite popular term these days, meaning delegating the entire or a part of a project to a third party software development company in another country. The cost of hiring remote developers in these countries is often much lower than hiring local developers.

Vietnam is among the best countries for offshoring software development, according to The Global Services Location Index (GSLI). Vietnam’s IT outsourcing companies, for example EXE Corporation, provide highly-skilled IT personnel, advanced technology infrastructure with less cost and in less time.

Vietnam has a stable socio-political environment with strong government support for high-tech industries. They pay special attention to education and invest in science and technology for the future. Other offshore software outsourcing locations include South America, China, India, Russia and the Philippines. 

Why Should You Choose Offshore Software Development?

How to speed up your software development with an offshore team? Offshoring or hiring development teams from other countries can be beneficial. Companies can optimize costs and resources, access more tools and new technologies, find great talent and more. Below are some key advantages of choosing an offshore development team for your business. 

1. Reduce the burden on core teams

One of the reasons why to choose offshore development is to reduce developer burnout on your IT team. Developers who are struggling with heavy workload or working long hours daily may suffer burnout, which can lead to low productivity and high turnover. Companies, therefore, are looking for ways to improve work-life balance for their employees and retain them. 

With an offshore team, the workload can be shared. You can delegate tasks to them and free up your team’s time to focus on other things. Hiring offshore teams can help you decrease staff turnover, save time and money as well as encourage retention. Surely, if you work with an offshore development team, your employees will be more motivated, engaged, and as a result, highly productive all the time. 

2. Access the most talented teams

Talented and creative people are needed to develop a profitable software product. They can be found offshore, where the talent pool is large and hungry for new opportunities. 

Many organizations are confident about their internal team and their expertise, but there are still skills that need to be outsourced. Offshore teams tend to be more effective as they work remotely and communicate with in-house teams regularly. Also, with the help of digital platforms, remote work is now easier and more common than ever. 

Offshore development can help you find talent to fill skill gaps in your in-house team. You can access talent to a global talent pool without the high costs. Some skill sets that offshore teams should have include: AI/ML, data engineering, quality assurance, testing, software engineering (programming languages like Java, .Net and Python) and project management. 

The best offshore development companies offer developers who have a high proficiency in English language and stay up-to-date on technology trends. They should have the expertise and experience to fit the needs for your project. 

3. Quickly and efficiently scale up your business

By hiring offshore developers, your company can scale up or down as needed. For example, you have 5 in-house developers and at one stage of the process you need 5 extra ones to handle some certain tasks. Offshore options allow you to quickly respond to these situations.

With an in-house team, scaling the team or changing technology stack to meet the size of your project might be difficult. This is a common problem for companies with one-time or short-term projects. If hiring offshore development teams, you can work with the specialists you need and won’t have to keep them when the project is over.  

4. Simplify many software development processes

Choosing the right offshore team can help your company automate and streamline the development process. For instance, you don’t have to recruit and train employees. It is the responsibility of the offshore software development company to do them and provide solutions. In other words, this is the best way to ramp up quickly.

Clients benefit from the efficiency that offshore providers bring to. They create a solid foundation for each cycle of delivery in terms of development, testing, and quality control. In addition to lowering time to market, this also gives clients high-quality software products. In addition to helping businesses stay ahead of the competition and cut expenses overall, faster development cycles can help them innovate.

5. Allow faster time to market and greater efficiency 

With the help of an offshore team, the development process will move quickly and efficiently. It enables the company to release the product faster and with better quality. It makes the process go more smoothly and ensures the best developers are working on the project around the clock. A project manager may be confident that he or she will receive a high-quality product on time for market release. This method also benefits projects by allowing teams to reach their goals more quickly.

6. Ongoing support and long-term relationships

The final reason to choose offshore software development is that when the software is ready for the market, the team will still provide ongoing support in the maintenance, troubleshooting and so on.

Even small IT companies have more than one project. When you work with an offshore software development team, you can build long term relationships, which can save your time upon starting new projects. Besides, you can learn about their company culture to expand your knowledge as well as operate more effectively. 

Speeding up your software development with EXE Corporation

For more than one decade in the IT industry, EXE Corp has been connecting software companies across the world with developers from Vietnam with lower employee salaries to save money. Offshore developers provided by EXE Corp are recognized globally for their expertise and experience, their English proficiency, creativity, responsibility, patience, open communication and problem-solving. More specifically, EXE Corp is an IT solution provider that serves and operates actively in Australia. They find and offer the best talent to work for Australia’s biggest companies, helping them fill skill gaps and reduce time to market. 

Client companies suggest collaborating with EXE Corp to:

  • Find the right talent and skills to meet your project’s needs 
  • Rapidly expand your in-house team’s capacity
  • Reduce the costs of hiring, training, onboarding and lower the development costs
  • Speed up the software development process and deliver the product to the market faster

Are you looking for an offshore IT solution provider firm? Contact EXE Corp at [email protected] or +84 28 6678 3940 to freely discuss your IT solution needs with us.